Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Re: Daily Download #00008

Once again, I go back to balance. There is a healthy balance between our similarities and differences. This balance is a product of our realized individual selves. In the past, I've tried to conform to a person I had interest in only for their interest to be lost as a result. Similarly, I've experienced someone conforming to my personality and interests only to lose interest in them. We are at a place in our self actualization process where we've found security in being simply who we are.

Our sync points were there before we met. They weren't forced or conformed. They're genuine and organic. We really just are this compatible. There is true merit in this compatibility for the reasons you've stated - it allows us to simply use our loving energy for things other than smoothing over and filling in gaps. That energy has been an evident motivator for me. The love I give you and the love I receive, because it's not simply filling in gaps, has created an energy within me to be a better human. To grow. To realize my potential. To work at this. I see such long term potential because of this. And it's real.

I'm hoping with chance, you might take this dance...