Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Daily Download #00007

  • the act of considering; careful thought; meditation; deliberation
  • something that is or is to be kept in mind in making a decision, evaluating facts, etc.
  • thoughtful or sympathetic regard or respect; thoughtfulness for others

Our careful consideration is part of what makes this great. We're loving, open, finding balance, and optimistic in our choice to be together. But we're able to do all of this because of the consideration, the thoughtfulness, the respect we have dedicated to ourselves, to each other and to making that choice.

We've both received mixed responses about our newfound love for each other, about our excitement. People are easily able to write it off as if we're just "some kids who have no idea what we're getting ourselves into." As if we're setting ourselves up for heartbreak. Well I say, flat out "no" to the former, and "maybe" to the latter. But isn't that what all new relationships have potential for? There is risk involved in getting to know someone, choosing to share a part of myself with someone else.

However, because of our openness and ability to communicate, here and otherwise, I think our optimism is nothing but healthy because we've been realistic about everything - pragmatic. There are hopes, but not concrete expectations. There is room for disappointment, but it's not the dominating factor. It's there, but we choose to focus on the positive.

We are thoughtful and considerate of each other and of the relationship, and through that, we hope for continued greatness.